Tower Of Power - Urban Renewal 1974 Warner Bros. Records 01. Only So Much Oil In The Ground [0:03:48.20] 02. Come Back, Baby [0:03:22.16] 03. It's Not The Crime [0:01:47.04] 04. I Won't Leave Unless You Want Me To [0:03:31.86] 05. Maybe It'll Rub Off [0:03:16.86] 06. (To Say The Least) You're The Most [0:02:29.56] 07. Willing To Learn [0:04:36.57] 08. Give Me The Proof [0:02:35.89] 09. It Can Never Be The Same [0:04:44.30] 10. I Believe In Myself [0:02:03.16] 11. Walkin' Up Hip Street [0:05:51.57] Review by Alex Henderson, AMG Tower of Power was very much in its prime in 1974, when the Bay Area outfit tore up the soul charts with the outstanding Urban Renewal. Lenny Williams, a passionate, wailing, gospel-influenced dynamo of a singer, had joined Tower the previous year, and he worked out remarkably well; whether digging into tough funk or romantic ballads, Williams is in top form. Funk doesn't get much more invigorating than horn-driven gems like "Maybe It'll Rub Off," "Give Me the Proof" and "Only So Much Oil in the Ground" (a commentary on the mid-'70s energy crisis), and soul ballads don't get much richer than "Willing to Learn" and "I Won't Leave Unless You Want Me To." Tower (an influence on everyone from L.T.D. to the Average White Band) recorded a number of essential albums in the '70s, and Urban Renewal is at the top of the list.